The Benefits of Mulching
Conserves soil moisture
Moderates soil temperature
Reduces soil erosion and water runoff
Increase in soil fertility by nutrient leaching or decomposition
Soil microorganism activity is enhanced
Protects surface soil from compaction
Coarse mulches reduce heat radiation and reflection
Suppresses weed growth
Improves soil structure and soil pore space
Recycling of organic waste
Avoiding Possible Problems With Mulches
Plants may develop nitrogen deficiency
Use composted mulch materials with a C:N (Carbon:Nitrogen) ratio of 25:1 or less.
Excessive moisture in fine-textured or poorly drained soils
Apply treatments to improve drainage; use of mulch may not be appropriate.
Air temperatures in the winter are colder above a mulch
Remove mulch before cold weather so the heat capacity of the soil can moderate air temperatures
Air temperatures are hotter in summer above a mulch
Avoid using mulches where heat-sensitive plants could be damaged during high summer temperatures
Mulched plants may be delayed in developing hardiness because they usually grow later into the summer
Remove mulch in late summer; this is not a common problem and has been reported only on species that were marginally hardy for the area (Whitcomb 1980)
Mulch may delay growth in spring because the soil warms more slowly than without mulch
Remove mulch around plants to expose soil to sun in the spring; it is unusual that this would be a problem for woody plants
Some diseases, such as collar rot and Armillaria root rot may be more likely
Do not place mulch against the trunk and root collar
Rodent damage to root collars and trunks may be increased
Keep mulch away from the trunk and root collar will discourage rodent feeding because it removes their cover for activity
Some mulches increase fire hazard
Avoid using loose mulch of straw or other dry, lightweight materials where fire is of concern
Some mulches may be phytotoxic
Use mature composted mulch